Diagnosis Potter sequence 2


English articles

t f B! P L
Hi, there.

Let me resume my story.

When we were playing with my son in play room, doctor called our name. My son claimed he wanted to play more in there.  So I asked my husband to play with him and went to consultation room alone.

Ann: Hello Doctor.
Dr.: Hi Ann. Has your husband come with you today, hasn't him? Please come in with him.

Oh my gosh....

Ann: Dr. says come with you.
Husband: Why??
Son: I wanna play here moreeeee!

 We has come in the room. The nurse has brought some toys for cranky son.

Dr.: We have found baby's disease on this inspection today.
Ann: Please tell me more detail.

I asked calmly and simply, because I've felt something on the inspection and anticipated not good results.

Dr.: There is disorder in baby's kidney.
Ann: What kind of disorder?
(Oh! tell me clearly!)

Dr.:As a result of today's inspection, we haven't see the baby's kidney.

Husband: There aren't kidneys, are there?

Dr.:Unfortunately, you right.

Ann:Both of them?

Dr.:Sorry there aren't.

Husband: Tell us clearly please, what's going on. What will happen for our fetus in the future.

Dr.:It's named Potter sequence which there are no kidneys or which fetal have malformed kidneys. From middle of pregnancy on amniotic fluid is made from urine of fetus. You have enough amniotic fluid now, but it will be getting decreasing and decreasing by no kidneys of fetus. Then fetus practices to breath in interior of womb by drinking and vomiting amniotic fluid. Drinking and vomiting amniotic fluid let lungs inflating and deflating, it makes lungs mature.  If there is not enough amniotic fluid, the possibility is high that fetus cannot practice to breath.

What do you mean?


三児の母、ポッター症候群の赤ちゃんを出産しました。いつか誰かが研究してくださるよう、記録を残します。I'm mom of 3 children. I've given birth a baby with potter sequence. I strongly hope someone and someday to study this disease for all pregnant and baby!




 こんにちは、annです。 bloggerの方で闘病記録を書いているとSEOに引っかからないという記事を読みまして、アメブロの方でもブログを書き始めました。 アメブロの方は絵日記調でイラストいっぱいで綴っております。 重複する内容もあるかもしれませんが、違うテイストで執筆していま...



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