Pregnancy life with second baby.


English articles

t f B! P L
I'm Ann.
Well.. let me tell the story of my terrible pregnancy life with second baby. 

My second baby was diagnosed Potter sequence by fetal screening on 20w6d.I was going to  do Trial of labor after cesarean section for my baby.Because I had spent terrible hard life after C-section with my first baby.

TLAC is not major way in Japan. There are very few hospital where we can do it.So  I needed to go the hospital by train taking 20minutes.It was not easy way for a pregnant.

In case of me, I know my pregnancy by morning sickness before using test drug. Morning sickness  had started since 6w. It was more terrible than  first pregnancy.I had needed receiving infusion several times for dehydration till.

From 12w to 15w is a peek of symptoms. Every medicine does not work. I asked for help over the phone, they told me to come for receiving infusion by taxi. I just imagined taking a taxi, I vomited.
On15w of pregnancy life, I took a short sleep on toilet bowl between vomiting.

At that time my first son was 3 years old, I don't remember how I was taking care him.He saw the movie of dinosaurs byBBC. He is 5 years old now, becoming like a Dr. dinosaurs.

Anyway terrible time had passed,  I was able to get on train again. I took the fetal screening I had to take by 20w.


三児の母、ポッター症候群の赤ちゃんを出産しました。いつか誰かが研究してくださるよう、記録を残します。I'm mom of 3 children. I've given birth a baby with potter sequence. I strongly hope someone and someday to study this disease for all pregnant and baby!




 こんにちは、annです。 bloggerの方で闘病記録を書いているとSEOに引っかからないという記事を読みまして、アメブロの方でもブログを書き始めました。 アメブロの方は絵日記調でイラストいっぱいで綴っております。 重複する内容もあるかもしれませんが、違うテイストで執筆していま...



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